深圳圣通国际英语教育怎么样?所在城市:深圳成立时间:2016年规模大小:中小机构 所属行业:外语所属公司:深圳市圣通教育咨询有限公司
“圣通国际英语(Talk English International )”是深圳市圣通教育咨询有限公司旗下的英语培训机构,是一家致力于日常英语,旅游英语,职场英语,商务英语,托福雅思考试为一体的一家英语培训机构。我们秉承顾客至上的原则“没有学好不收费”让我们说英语就像说自己的母语一样。无论你的英语水平现在处在哪个阶段,我们都会倾听您的声音,为您解疑答难,帮您达成目标。圣通国际英语为您开启通往成功的大门。(Talk English是由Mr Ka一手创办,他七岁就到英国,从小在那里长大。深知以西方人说英语的方式教中国人纠正中国式的英语。让中国人说英语更加地道。
There’s an expression that rolls off the tongue, oh so easily “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you.”Nothing could be further from the truth. What you say to another human being and what they say to you has the most profound effect on you both. We’re truly able to move mountains with words. And the power of words can destroy people’s lives. It really does matter what we say to each other and how we say it.
In all our lives we’ve all had moments, when we can honestly say, it’s been good to talk.
A conversation when we felt emotionally connected to another human being.
A conversation which gave us both a deeper understanding of each other.
A conversation when we felt totally in tune, totally in harmony, totally safe.
We knew we were both being heard.
Here at Talk English International, we focus on voicing your thoughts, through the power of speech. We believe speaking and listening to be the two most important forms of communication and also the hardest to master. In order to help our students achieve their goal, we insist on an English speaking environment.
So, let’s learn together.
内容由提供 更新于:2022-11-02 公司名:深圳市圣通教育咨询有限公司法定代表:熊萍经营状态:存续成立时间:2016-09-27注册资本:10万注册编码:91440300MA5DLPWD0F注册地址:深圳市龙岗区横岗街道松柏社区港信达银信广场1栋E1205经营范围:一般经营项目是:教育培训(不含学科类教育培训和职业类培训);教育信息咨询;商务信息咨询(不含限制项目);企业形象策划;文化活动策划;市场营销策划 ;企业管理咨询;国内贸易;经营电子商务;经营进出口业务。(以上均不含限制项目),许可经营项目是: